15 days Money Back Guarantee
If you purchase our product using PayPal, we will provide
you a 15 days Money Back Guarantee for any reason.
On the other hand, if you purchase our product via other agents,
we cannot offer you this guarantee. However, all our products
have a 30 days free trial period, so please try before
Benefits after purchase
- 3-year FREE email technical support 7days per week (daytime Eastern Time).
- 3-year FREE Upgrade to latest version service.
- 3-year FREE activation service.
- No time and function limitations.
- Coupons for future purchase for 40% OFF.
One license is valid only for one computer, but
multiple users can share the license on the same computer. If you need more licenses to install on multiple computers, you can get discount for at least 40% OFF on future purchase.
The license is valid for lifetime use, with it you can get 3-year free upgrade to latest version service, 3-year free email technical support. Also, when you change your computer in 3 years, you can get another free activation service. After 3 years, if you still like to upgrade to latest version and get other services, we will provide you the renew plan for 67% OFF the regular price.
OEM Licensing
We also provides OEM licensing for companies to integrate
our software for resale. Contact us
for information about our OEM licensing program.
After you purchase our product, you will get the coupon for up to 40 percent off for your future orders. The coupon will be sent
to you by email.